Change Management-G Suite

Change Management-G Suite

Moving to the cloud has tremendous benefits, but it’s a big change. Big changes at companies require thoughtful guidance and communication even when the change has as much upside as G-Suite.This article provides the change management concepts, steps to ensure a smooth and complete transition to G-Suite. It explains how to expedite product adoption, increase productivity, and address user concerns, such as:

• Why are we switching?

• What happens to my old email and data?

• How will I get up to speed?

value of change management?

• Organize company-wide transition to G-Suite

• Shorten any period of coexistence (running both your legacy systems and G-Suite)

• Reduce holdouts and resisters and increase user satisfaction

• Increase productivity and speed adoption, enabling you to grow your business.

• Achieve the highest return on your investment(ROI) in G-Suite!

If you are the part of the project team responsible for switching your company to G Suite, and your company has about 250 or more users,then this change Management is for you.

Get Ready, Communicate, Train:

It’s a simple model to execute G Suite change management strategy—a way to break down each phase of your effort and help assign key tasks.

• Get ready : Includes tasks to understand your organization’s culture and people, and the support they’ll need to make a successful transition to G Suite. Typical readiness tasks include profiling your user community, sending a user readiness survey, and establishing a Google Guides program.

• Communicate : Includes tasks to get your users excited about the switch to G Suite. Typical communications tasks include creating a communications plan, launching an internal marketing campaign for the switch to G Suite, and sending messages to users.

• Train : Includes tasks to educate users about G Suite. Typical training tasks include creating a training plan, launching a training site, and conducting courses.

Manage Changes

Here are the general types of changes that can affect your users or organization as you move to G Suite.

• Product changes—Any new tool requires time to get users up to speed. Most users can start reading and sending messages in Gmail within minutes, but power users in your organization—executives or administrative assistants—may need more support or training.

• Policy changes—G Suite offers lots of new features, and your organization must decide how to use them. For example, if users can now access email on their phones, does this affect your mobile device policy?

• Process changes—Some internal processes or procedures may change with G Suite integrated into your environment. For example, if your organization used shared mailboxes to manage mail queues, you might update some processes to use Gmail with Google Groups.

Evonence approach to G Suite Enterprise Change Management:

Evonence puts a great deal of emphasis on developing successful change management programs for our clients.Our G Suite change management experts use Google’s proven change management methodology.

1.Effective Scope and Resource
Establish a working group for G Suite change management project work streams with tracker and project timeline delivery. This creates a solid project foundation which delivers a firm plan and incorporates communications and training strategy with key audience group identification.

Identify audience group training material based upon group learning objectives. Customised G Suite material and relevant delivery platforms are established, incorporating a secure Web based G Suite training portal and user documentation etc.

3.Communications Planning
Establish a timeline per audience group / geography / language with communication mechanisms. Utilise highly effective customised G Suite user communication channels such as intranet, poster material with channels established and delivered.

4.Hands on Training
Establish the appropriate training delivery model. Evonence employ fully certified change management resources to deliver effective training. This incorporates design and development of G Suite training materials, logistics management, delivery and evaluation. The outcome is an execution of the G Suite training delivery strategy and audience delivered learning objectives.

5.Ongoing Support
We understands the importance of an ongoing support infrastructure to maximise the benefit of G Suite to assist the users. As part of the ongoing support program, a strategy for keeping users up-to-date of G Suite service developments, best practice sharing and the up-skill of new employees is defined.

6.Successful Evaluation
Evaluation processing are continuously applied throughout the entire change management process. User readiness gauged through evaluation surveys, deployment feedback documents and post live date forms are utilised to ensure the work force has effectively adopted G Suite for Business.


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