Evonence | Google Cloud Partner

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Focus on innovation while Google Cloud covers your infrastructure

Discover the building blocks to a multicloud future

Get things done faster and easier—no matter where you’re working

Why are 90% of Forbes' top 20 digital companies using Google Cloud?

Leading companies across industries are turning to Google Cloud to:

  • Avoid vendor lock-in with open source, multicloud, and hybrid cloud solutions

  • Maximize insights from their data with machine learning and advanced analytics

  • Operate confidently with advanced security tools

  • •Save money, increase efficiency, and optimize spend

    When you let Evonence and Google Cloud take care of infrastructure maintenance, custom tooling, and operations, you can focus on innovation and driving competitive advantage.

From infrastructure to innovation

Tech companies and startups tell us they prefer Google Cloud because our industry-leading app development and smart analytics services help them get things done faster and easier. Google Cloud reduces and eliminates the need for infrastructure maintenance, custom tooling and operations. This frees up engineering to focus on roadmap priorities that drive business outcomes like competitive advantage, growth and increased profitability. 

Yes, you really can focus on innovation and let Google Cloud take care of the rest. Let’s explore how.

Streamlining application delivery gets you to market faster

Speed is the new currency of business. That’s why tech companies and startups are choosing Google Cloud’s state-of-the-art containers and microservices: to get from code to production in record time. 

By running on Google Cloud, fin-tech startup Current improved time to market for app development by 400% while eliminating downtime for users of its debit card app. Idwall improved developer productivity by 30% and Rakuten Viki freed up engineers from managing infrastructure to focus on scaling the business to serve rapidly growing user demand. 

Let’s take a closer look at how you can speed up your application delivery.

Get speed and flexibility from containers

Containers give you more flexibility and speed than virtual machines, and Google Cloud takes the hard part - maintenance and operations - out of the equation.

How many tools are you using today to manage and patch your VMs? How do you upgrade your applications? And what’s your VM utilization like? Maybe what you have right now isn’t efficient. For example: things are breaking (outages, scalability issues, etc) due to weaknesses in your VM architecture, or costs are spiraling out of control, or your infrastructure isn’t set up to support everything your business wants to do, like:

  • Refactoring/re-architecting an MVP into a scalable solution

  • Expanding into additional cloud providers to meet regulatory or customer expectations

  • Expanding geographically to reduce latency and provide better experiences to a global customer base

  • Improving your end-to-end security posture

Or maybe you want to improve the existing customer experience (eg. service availability) or launch a differentiated experience that will take your company to the next level, but the project is taking longer than you’d like.

Legacy or technical debt can slow you down. But a modern architecture consisting of managed services and containers gives you access to proven patterns for running reliable and secure infrastructure. This helps speed up your time to market and increase your productivity without sacrificing stability and security - with the added benefit of helping you attract the best technical talent to work on innovation.