New Features in G Suite Admin console..!

New Features in G Suite Admin console

If you are existing G Suite administrator, then this information is for you. In recent time,Google team announced various new features to help G Suite administrator to manage their all users in more efficient way. By adding onto and improving such wonderful features the G Suite product becomes more efficient for both admins and end users.

Find below few exciting features which Google recently added to its G Suite Admin console.

Transfer data from one user to another with the Google Admin app for Android :

If you are a G Suite administrator, you can use the Google Admin app to perform essential administrative tasks from your Android smartphone or tablet.

You can now transfer data from one user to another in the Google Admin Android app, much like you can in the web-based Admin console. The process can be initiated from the User List page or the User Details page and can be done as a standalone action, before suspending a user, or before deleting a user. Just like on the web, you can transfer Google Drive files and Google+ pages.

G Suite Admin console

Import multiple company-owned devices:

Google has introduced a new feature to make it easy to manage your company-owned Android devices.Import and deploy multiple company-owned Android devices at the same time and assign asset tags. You can also more easily filter devices to perform bulk actions, such as wiping.You can now bulk enroll your Android inventory and deploy it to remote offices with your chosen settings enforced. During the bulk import process, you can now associate your company-owned devices with a new attribute called an asset tag to better integrate with internal tracking and billing tools.

Android Devices

The mobile inventory page in the Admin console (Device management > Mobile devices) now features improved filtering around device ownership and device actions, like blocking and wiping.

Mobile Inventory

At last, all admin activities around the management of company-owned devices—like bulk import and device actions-are now logged in the Admin Audit section of the Admin console, while all end user activities on company-owned devices-like OS updates, setting changes, and app installs and removals—are now tracked in Mobile Audit.Most importantly, you can now choose to receive a monthly report to help you monitor company-owned devices that have been inactive in the last 30 days.

Company Owned devices

User Password Reset using recovery email :

You can set up the system to allow your non-administrator users to reset their passwords on their own. Your users need to have set up a recovery phone number where they can use a voice message or a text message to receive their recovery code or a recovery email address. They can reset their password by entering the email address they use to sign in to Google. They are then prompted through the process.Users with 2-Step Verification who have set up a recovery phone number or a recovery email address can reset their password by answering the questions correctly and then receiving a recovery code on their phone or at their recovery email address. If they don't have a recovery email, have lost access to it, or fail to answer the questions correctly, they'll be prompted to contact their administrator.

If you're running Single Sign-On (SSO), then this feature isn't available. You won't see the Enable/disable non-admin user password recovery link.

If you're running G Suite Password Sync (GSPS), then this feature isn't applicable. Because GSPS is used to keep G Suite passwords in sync with Active Directory passwords, GSPS users use Active Directory to reset passwords.

Please find below steps for administrator to enable User Password Reset using recovery email option:

You must switch to an administrator account. This will open the Google Admin console.

  1. Switch to administrator account.From the Admin console dashboard, go to SecurityBasic settings.

  2. To see Security on the dashboard, you might have to click More controls at the bottom.

  3. In the Password management section, under the Password recovery heading, click the Enable/disable non-admin user password recovery link to access the Advanced security settings.

  4. In the Recovery section, under the Password recovery heading, check the Enable non-admin user password recovery box.

Custom user attributes:

Administrators can now create and view custom user attributes directly from the Admin console interface.with custom attributes, you can:

Add even more data you want to record; for example, assign different data types to special value fields, such as number, date, and email.Control whether you want the information to be public to all users in your organisation, or private to administrators and the individual user.


1.You should not use this feature to store sensitive personally identifiable information, such as account credentials, government ID numbers, cardholder data, financial account data, healthcare information, or sensitive background information.

2.To add custom attributes, you must be signed in with a Super Admin administrator account or have the Schema Management privilege. An administrator with the User Management privilege can view the custom attributes and edit attribute values for individual users.

SMTP relay spam detection:

If your organisation uses non-Gmail email server software, you can use the SMTP relay service setting to route outgoing mail through Google. This setting enables you to filter messages for spam and viruses before they reach external contacts and to apply G Suite email security settings to outgoing messages. However, if a spammer is able to get the username and password of a user at your domain, they may also be able to use the SMTP relay service to send messages on behalf of your domain.

With this launch, when Gmail detects abuse of the SMTP relay service by a domain’s user, Google will now send admins a list of the users affected as well as some steps to identify why this problem is occurring. If a user is affected by this issue, admins should run virus scans on all of the user’s devices and make sure that their password is changed to prevent further abuse. It’s important to action these messages as soon as possible, because spam messages from these accounts can damage your domain’s email reputation to other mail providers and could have other negative effects on your mail flow.

Detect password-protected attachments:

Whether you are in healthcare, financial services, or another regulated industry, G Suite is dedicated to giving administrators more control over their mail. For customers who need to store unencrypted copies of messages for regulatory purposes, a new attachment compliance filter for Gmail is being released that will allow you to specify rules for how to handle password protected office files.

Once launched, you will have a new option in the attachment compliance filters which detects whether an attached office file, such as a Microsoft Office or LibreOffice document, is password protected, and therefore encrypted. From there, you can define what action to take on the message. For example, you can reject messages, detect particular attachment types or names, re-route the message, add a header, or prepend a string to the subject. You can also modify a message by stripping its attachments and adding an advisory notice to the message. The compliance filter is only triggered by whether the attachment is password-protected or not.


G Suite-Password Security..!!
