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New Google Sites

With the new Google Sites, you can build beautiful, functional pages to aggregate and distribute content, optimised for every screen. A new intuitive drag-and-drop design experience supports real-time collaboration by multiple editors, just like in Docs, and offers easy access to all your content from Calendar, Docs, Drive, Maps and more. The new Sites also includes themes and layouts designed to scale and flex to any screen size, so they’re as useful when you access them on the 30-inch monitor at your desk or your smartphone on your commute. We hope you enjoy the new Sites! Google provide options to view this new site on Tab,desktop or smartphone.

New Google Site Vs Classic Google Site

  • New Sites has a “Publish” button located at the top right. Classic Sites does not have this “Publish” button.

  • Google Team is exploring migration tools to help move from classic Sites. Check back for updates soon!

  • You can move between the two versions of Sites by clicking the ‘Back to classic Sites’ button in the bottom left or ‘new Google Sites’ in the left menu.

  • New Sites and classic sites will both be available for your use. Google will continue to add capabilities to new Sites over the coming months to increase its usefulness. Once new Sites includes these additional features, Google will begin a gradual deprecation process for classic Sites. Google will provide at least 12 months notice before beginning this gradual deprecation process.

What’s ‘new’ in new Sites?

  • Intelligence-powered ease of use

    1. Responsive themes and templates

    2. Your site will look beautiful on any device

    3. Drag and drop / copy and paste from anywhere

    4. ‘What you see is what you get’ editing experience

    5. Real-time collaboration

    6. Drive integration

The classic version of Sites will continue to exist

The previously existing, classic version of Sites will continue to exist in parallel with the new Sites as we add capabilities that are similar to those found in the classic Sites. The classic Sites and the sites created with it will continue to follow the Sites-specific settings in the Google Admin console at Apps > G Suite > Sites.

  • In coming year 2017, Google will give options to migrate your all old classic sites to new Google site.

  • Beginning in 2018, Google send a timeline and instructions regarding the gradual process to shut down the classic Sites. The specific date for the shutdown of the classic Sites has yet to be set, but Google will inform you at least one year in advance of that shut down.

New Google Sites turn on or off for users:

The new Sites is ON by default, but your users will not be able to create or edit sites in the new Sites unless you have both Google Drive and the classic Sites turned on as well.

To turn OFF the new Sites in your organisation, you can do any one of the following:

  • In the Admin console, go to Apps > G Suite > Sites > New Sites and select Users at [my domain] cannot create and edit sites.

  • Turn off Sites entirely.

  • Turn off Drive entirely.

Check out the new Sites today, and get started creating useful, beautiful sites that work across screens to deliver your content in the most effective way possible.

We can expect few more features to this new Google sites from Google in upcoming year,such as:

  • Publish to a group

  • Customise logo

  • Copy a page/section

  • Map to a domain

  • Search within a Site