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Google Drive for Team

Better Teamwork in Google Drive..!!

In recent time,Google team announced various good features to help employees work together as teams on creative projects to better serve their customers.One of the most notable new features introduced by Google is Drive for Teams.

Note:The Team Drives EAP(Early adopter program) is only open to G Suite Business and Education customers. If you are G Suite Business or Education Customer with EAP then by using this feature, All your team can access to files based on permissions set by administrators. This is in contrast to individual members owning drive accounts with shareable folders and files. Drive for Teams ensures that files are not affected by the addition and removal of users. This helps Google Drive keep pace with changes in team composition. The feature allows administrators to assign new roles that exercise granular control over files.

Team Drives are shared spaces where teams can store their files and guarantee that every member has the most up-to-date information, no matter the time or place. Team Drives make on-boarding easy, because every person and Google Group added to a Team Drive gets instant access to that team’s documents. Moreover, Team Drives are designed to store the team’s work collectively, so if a document’s creator moves off of the team that document doesn’t go with them. Advanced access controls make Team Drives even more robust, preventing team members from accidentally removing or deleting files that others need.

The largest benefit to using Team Drives is the ability to better centralize a business’s most critical files, eliminating the issues that come along with content silos, where certain individuals have key pieces of information in their personal folders. Instead, Team Drives users will be able to continue to access those files even in the event that an employee changes teams or leaves the company.

Advantages of adopting Google Drive:

  • Data Security: When you upload files to Google Drive, they are stored in secure data centers. If your computer, phone, or tablet is lost or broken, you can still access your files from other devices. Your files are private unless you share them.

  • Sharing capabilities: allows instant sharing with colleagues and eliminates the need to send attachments.

  • Collaboration in Real Time: the tool enables teams to collaborate using Google Docs. Team members can comment and work on the same document in real time.

  • Activity Log: Google Drive keeps you informed about team activities.

  • Google Drive provides a number of ways to improve your team's productivity. From inserting images easily and signing documents to cranking up sync, the tool is truly loaded with time-saving functionality.

  • Google Drive allows your entire team to view and edit documents offline. Changes are automatically synced when an internet connection is re-established. The functionality is only available through the Google Chrome browser. The offline mode must be enabled on individual devices except on the Chromebook, which is automatically activated by default.

  • Third-Party app integration: Drive integrates hundreds of apps, such as Smart-sheet and DocuSign.

  • Unlimited storage.

If you are interested in this Google Drive for Team. Then you should know these below restrictions :

  • The Team Drives EAP(Early adopter program)  is only open to G Suite Business and Education customers.

  • Only G Suite admins can sign up for the Team Drives EAP. If you are not the G Suite admin for your organization, please contact that individual and ask them to sign up.

  • Admins will need to enroll their entire primary domain in the EAP. They will be able to restrict Team Drives creation to certain organizational units, but all users in the domain will be able to see and access Team Drives. They will not be able to enroll in secondary domains.

  • At the moment, Team Drives does not support some features, including adding members from outside of one’s domain, syncing to a desktop computer, and Vault capabilities.

Team Drives are now being offered by means of an Early Adopter Program. The Early Adopter Program is essentially a preview version of the new product. Google had earlier tested Team Drives with a small number of clients.

Check below criteria provided by Google to be eligible for this wonderful Feature Google Drive for Team:

Your organization must be a “G Suite Business” (formerly known as “Google Apps Unlimited”) or "G Suite Education" (formerly known as "Google Apps for Education") customer. You can also participate if your domain is not a full “G Suite Business” domain, but has some "G Suite Business" edition licenses.

  • The applicant filling out this form must either be an admin or super-admin of the domain specified in this form. If you are not an admin of your domain, please have your admin apply on your behalf.

  • EAP admittance is granted to a single primary G Suite domain per application basis.

  • Acceptance of the G Suite Team Drives Early Adopter Program Terms of Service is required.

  • In order to participate in this EAP, you must be willing to be contacted via email with details about the EAP.

If you want to know more regarding G Suite Business and Drive for Team, please do contact us & if you are already a G Suite business customer then you can register for Team Drives Early Adopter Program Application here.